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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hypnosis For Weight Loss Reviews - Does it Really Work?

If you are looking for hypnosis for weight loss reviews you are probably skeptical about whether such programs can work or not. The honest truth is: no, they do not work for everyone. However they DO WORK for a huge percentage of the population.

Around 70% of people will respond well to hypnosis for weight reduction. The other 30 % will not respond at all. This is not because hypnosis does not work. It is because that rapport is a key ingredient in hypnotic change work. Some people just do not feel a good sense of rapport with a recorded hypnosis for weight loss session. Rapport is a term used to describe the feeling of being connected with someone. It is easier to feel connected to someone when you are face-to-face with them. You have there right in front of you a complex organism that is always giving feedback. This feedback can guide a good therapist into creating rapport with anyone. However, when a session is recorded, a hypnotist just does not have the flexibility he would have in a live session.

So, in my hypnosis weight loss reviews I took this into consideration, but I also had to consider the fact that it does work for a large portion of people. More often than not, hypnosis can lead you to weight loss. With the low price of recorded weight loss programs compared to face to face hypnotherapy, I can only say that it is worth the investment for 70% of the population and they love it.

If you want to be in that 70%, you can be. It is not as difficult as you might think. You simply have to give yourself the best chance by choosing to purchase a hypnosis weight reduction program from someone you have a rapport with already or gain while on their web site. Reading about the product offered and the experience of the hypnotist can lead you to form a connection with the author. Pay attention as you read, if you like the wording of the website, if you can relate to the authors language, does the writing inspire you? If your answer is yes, then you probably have a good natural rapport with the author and therefore will be ahead of the game when you start your hypnosis weight loss program.

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